Glance Registration Form

  • 03 Nov 2021
  • 05 Nov 2021


  • Glance is a 2.5 day commitment

Registration is closed

A small commitment can make a lasting impact. Take the time to glance at your community, make new connections and lead your community.

You want to impact change in the areas you’re passionate about, but where do you start? Glance Gwinnett is a 2.5-day program that provides an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of Gwinnett County. Designed to inspire participants through hands-on learning, Glance Gwinnett reveals new opportunities, ideas and perspectives from a diverse group of local leaders. It’s a great way to learn more about what Gwinnett has to offer, expand networks, gain exposure for your organization, and truly engage with Gwinnett.

It doesn't stop at the end of this program - our graduates can join our Leadership Gwinnett Network and have access to continuing education, unique social events, and our network of over 2,000 Leadership Gwinnett program graduates.